WHO AM I? Hello! I am Donna from Donna's Designer Cookies. As a custom sugar cookie artist from East Texas, I wanted to create a forum to share cookie decorating tips and tricks that I have learned throughout my cookier journey. I am a self-taught cookier since 2019 and I work out of my home following the Texas Cottage requirements. I have always been artistic, even spent some time painting wall murals, and was looking for an artistic outlet. One day I was watching a dessert competition on Food Network and caught an interview with Duff Goldman (Ace of Cakes) who mentioned that he hired artists to work in his bakeries as decorators. It struck me right then...could I use my artistic flare on cookies??? The answer was obviously yes...and that is how Donna's Designer Cookies was born (where art meets sweets)! My first step was to find a sugar cookie recipe online that had high reviews (Alton Brown's) and started tweaking it to fit my needs over time (removed the baking powder, increased the salt and added vanilla). I did the same thing with my royal icing recipe.
WHAT CAN I PROVIDE? This blog will provide tips and tricks that I have learned over the course my cookie journey that might save you time and money. Here is my disclaimer, there are tons of ways to approach all steps of baking and I am not saying that my way is the RIGHT way,..just what works for me. If you have other ways, I would love to hear them!!!
Today's Tips: Looking for ways to minimize sugar cookie spread? 1) Remove the baking powder from your recipe. This might seem scary, but the cookies still have a wonderful texture without this ingredient and have less spreading while baking 2) Freeze your dough after cutting our your shapes. Place frozen cookies directly in the preheated oven. Warm butter in the cookies will cause spread while baking, so this equals less spread.
Next Post: Looking for ways to manage the ever pesky royal icing air bubbles? Wanting to learn easy sugar cookie decorating techniques? This is the place...stay tuned!! And follow me on social media (FB: Donna's Designer Cookies, IG: @donnasdesignercookies)!!!!!